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National Preparedness Month can help you be ready all year round

The aftermath of a freak storm with tornadoes that tore through South Tampa in 2011.
The aftermath of a freak storm with tornadoes that tore through South Tampa in 2011.

In the event of a major emergency, like a hurricane, Tampa Electric has a plan to restore power as quickly as possible, starting with facilities critical to public health and safety. This 10-point plan, developed in conjunction with the Florida Public Service Commission and other utilities in the state, is one we perfect all year round.

But with National PreparAthon Day happening on Sept. 30 and marking the end of September –  National Preparedness Month as sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) – it’s a good time to ask: Is your household prepared?

What would you do, for example, if an emergency situation left you unable to contact your family or make it home? Would you know where and how to meet? What if there are people in your household with special needs? How will you take care of your pets?

These are just a few of the things FEMA and Tampa Electric encourage you to think about this month. This page on FEMA’s website has a variety of toolkits with checklists, guidance, things to factor into your planning and more.

“It might be human nature to avoid wanting to think about unpleasant situations, but being unprepared when you know you could have been is worse,” said Susan Mueller, TECO’s director of Emergency & Business Continuity. “We make safety and planning for worst-case scenarios a top priority at TECO, but every household has unique needs – we all have to have individual plans for ourselves.”

Take a few minutes to talk to members of your household about a plan. Get a discussion started and develop it. The 2015 Atlantic Hurricane Season has been light so far, but it’s not over yet – and hurricanes are far from the only emergency situation West Central Florida might face.

“We care about the community because we’re part of it too,” Mueller said. “We live here like you, we work here, we see our future here. A little planning can be a huge investment in the future. Please join TECO in giving the goals of National Preparedness Month your focus.”

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