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Outage map delivers more for you

Do we listen to our customers? You bet we do.

Outage MapThat’s clear from the recent enhancements to Tampa Electric’s Outage Map. Customers told us they want more information when their lights go out, and they want to get it at home or on the go.

Recent upgrades to the Outage Map do just that. When an outage occurs, a color-coded dot appears at the location of the outage. Visitors to the map now can simply click the dot to find out how many customers are affected, the cause and status of the outage and the approximate restoration time.

We also added the boundary lines of our service territory. The enhanced map makes it easy to zoom close and see where our boundaries line up with major highways and other landmarks.

And there’s more. A “weather” button located at the top center of the map lets you turn on and off local weather conditions with just a click. And if you’re looking for an extended forecast, no problem. Simply click the local temperature, and up pops a forecast you can click for an hourly or 10-day outlook.

Other changes enhance the performance on mobile devices. This is especially important when you consider that more than 54 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers own a smartphone and, every minute, 43 Americans switch over to a smartphone. By 2014, mobile Internet usage will surpass desktop Internet usage.

So, whether at home or on the road, our customers now have access to more information about outages than ever before.

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